Monday, December 7, 2009


Well yesterday was much success!!! We had a blast and the kids love cheering with POM-POMS and the noise makers (which of course gave me a huge headache)! We divided them into the teams... the older boys we put onto the red team refused to be on the red team sooo... the poor red team are girls and little boys and the green and blue teams are stacked! LOL!!! Its not very fair, but so funny when they start competing in field day activities. They get pretty competitive! I LIKE IT! :-) Chinnh got very mad when Takna dropped the ball (the contest was which team could keep the ball in the air the longest with everyone on the team hitting the ball). It kind of surprised me how frustrated he got, but it only lasted a second... I made them take a picture together and then "hug it out". They were both laughing!
Today we are learning about "team Noah" with a skit and some crafts about Noah and the Ark and we are learning about "team Jonah"with a skit and some crafts about Jonah and the WHALE! The kids will love it!
Of course this year, my favorite part of everyday is the worship time. They are singing louder and more beautiful than ever! Sandra, who is in chrage of all the worship this year is doing a great job with the kids. She taught them a Hip Hop dance to Kirk Franklin's "Revelation." Its hilarious!!! They love it... note to self, next year bring more HIP HOP music! THEY LOVE IT! I got some of course on my lap top, but I'm not sure if Kanye West is appropriate orphanage music! Ha!
Movie night is tonight too... this should be fun. We get to hang out with the kids until like 9pm.
I will probably have fallen asleep, but just being in their presence is enough for me!
Unti lnext time... XOXOXO

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A Whale? Really? What happened to the big fish!!! :)